



主要完成人: 发表日期:2017-12-12 点击数:2662



SKLMM Workshop



Deciphering Stochastic Transcriptional Regulation at an Endogenous Gene Locus


Professor Heng Xu, School of Physics and Astronomy, SJTU

2010–2017 Baylor College of Medicine

          Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

2010–2010 Brown University

          Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Neuroscience

2003–2010 Brown University

          M.S. and Ph.D. in Physics, Department of Physics


The stochastic kinetics of gene activity has been well characterized, but how this kinetics is modulated by the transcription factors that regulate expression remains largely unknown. We address this question using the Bicoid (Bcd) transcription factor and hunchback (hb) gene in early Drosophila embryos. We measure, simultaneously, the number of nascent hb mRNAs, nuclear Bcd concentration, and number of bound Bcd proteins, at individual gene loci. Using stochastic theoretical analysis, we find that Bcd modulates the probability of hb switching to an active transcriptional state, while not affecting the probabilities of transcription initiation or gene inactivation. Gene activation is achieved through the cooperative binding of ~6 Bcd copies, while additional Bcd binding states also exist with unknown function. In contrast to Bcd, binding of the Hunchback transcription factor represses hb transcription. Our theoretical analysis also predicts surprising discontinuities in the distribution of nascent mRNA, a feature which we verify experimentally. Our approach can be used to elucidate the combinatorial activity of multiple transcription factors without the need for genetic perturbation.



  间:    20171220日(周三)12:45-13:30

  点:    闵行校区生物药学楼树华多功能厅(800号)

主持人:    王风平 教授




