Chemical Synthetic Biology: Deciphering and Engineering the Biosynthetic Pathways of Natural Products
Chemical Synthetic Biology: Deciphering and Engineering the Biosynthetic Pathways of Natural Products
Date: 2016.2.18/Feb. 18,下午/pm,14:30-15:30
Location: Shuhua Hall, Life Sciences Building
Reporter: Prof. Yeo Joon Yoon
Department of Chemistry and Nano Science
Ewha Womans University, Republic of Korea
We are mainly focusing on characterization of the biosynthetic pathway and creating the structural diversity of natural products including polyketides and aminoglycosides through the combinatorial biosynthetic approach. Synthetic biology is a new area of biological research that combines science and engineering in order to design and build novel biological functions and systems. Combinatorial biosynthesis is one area of synthetic biology for the generation of novel natural products. The basic concept of combinatorial biosynthesis is combining metabolic pathways in different organisms on a genetic level. The synthetic biological approaches combined with combinatorial biosynthesis will allow us “the biological total synthesis of natural products”, which will eventually lead to the unlimited structural diversification of natural product, drug discovery, and mass production. Some recent examples for this chemical synthetic biology approaches will be presented.