Jian-Jiang Zhong Lab
XXXJian-Jiang Zhong obtained his BS degree in Chemical Engineering from East China University of Science & Technology (ECUST, Shanghai; formerly: East China Institute of Chemical Technology) in July 1986, and Master and Ph.D. degrees in Fermentation Technology/Biotechnology from Osaka University in March 1990 and March 1993, respectively. In April 1993, Dr. Zhong returned to ECUST, and was promoted to full professor in November 1996. He was the Director of State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering (China) at ECUST during 1998-2006 as appointed by the Ministry of Education of China (MOE). Since Sept. 2006, Prof. Zhong has established a new lab on molecular biochemical engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), and currently he holds a University Distinguished Professorship. He is the PI of Molecular Biochemical Engineering Group and the Leader of the Industrial Microbiology section at the Key Lab. of Microbial Metabolism, Ministry of Education.
Professor Zhong's major research interest is applied biotechnology and biochemical engineering science, especially molecular biochemical engineering and advanced fermentation technology. He has published 3 books by Springer and more than 150 articles in international journals/books (about 130 papers cited by Science Citation Index), and his published papers have been cited for hundreds of times by his peers with current H-Index of 23.
Due to his outstanding research achievements, Dr. Zhong was awarded the Cheung Kong Scholar Professorship from the MOE (1999) as the 1st biochemical engineer in China to receive this honor, National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) in 2002, the inaugural award of "Young Asian Biotechnologist Prize" by the Society for Biotechnology (Japan) in 2002, the 1st-class Prize for Advancement of Science & Technology by MOE in 2004, the 1st-class Award for Natural S&T Advancement by Heilongjiang Province of China in 2009, and the “Research Exchange Award” from KSBB (The Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering) in 2009.
Professor Zhong was a plenary/keynote lecturer in various international conferences, e.g., the 1st Symp Young Asia Biochem Eng Comm (Korea) in 1995, 5th Asia-Pacific Biochem Eng Conf (Thailand) in 1999, 1st Intl & Natl Symp on Biotech (Pakistan) in 2003, 1st Intl Sym on Natural Resources Eng & Technol (Malaysia) in 2006, 8th Asia-Pacific Biochem Eng Conf (Chinese Taipei) in 2007, and Intl Biotech Symp of Korean Soc Biotech Bioeng in 2008, 9th Asia-Pacific Biochem Eng Conf (Kobe, Japan) in 2009, etc.
At present, Professor Zhong is on the advisory board of the Society for Biological Engineering, AIChE (USA), board of Asian Society of Environmental Biotechnology (ASEB) and Asian Federation of Biotechnology (AFoB). He is also on the editorial board of 10 international journals, such as the Editor-in-Chief of Process Biochemistry (Elsevier), Associate Editor of Biotechnology and Bioengineering (John Wiley) and Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (Springer), etc.
Process Biochemistry (Elsevier), Editor-in-Chief
Biotechnology and Bioengineering (John Wiley), Associate Editor
Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (Springer), Associate editor
Biochemical Engineering Journal (Elsevier), Editorial board
Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology (Springer), Editorial board
Enzyme and Microbial Technology (Elsevier), Advisory board
Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering (Japan & Elsevier), Editorial board
Engineering in Life Sciences (Wiley-VCH), Advisory board
Recent Patents on Biotechnology (Bentham Science) Editorial board
Open Biotechnology Letters (Bentham Science), Advisory board
Open Biotechnology Journal (Bentham Science), Advisory board
Open Biotechnology Reviews (Bentham Science), Advisory board
Pakistan Journal of Biotechnology (Pakistan), International editorial board
Frontiers of Chemical Engineering in China (Springer/China), Editorial board