
姓名: 冯雁

职称: 教授

E-Mail: yfeng2009@sjtu.edu.cn


联系电话: 34207189

  • 个人简历:


    主要从事分子酶学研究,主攻酶结构-功能关系、酶分子进化及合成生物学。承担和参加科技部973计划项目、863计划项目、国家自然科学基金等省部级科研项目多项,已在J Biol Chem, J Mol Biol等国内外学术刊物上发表论文80余篇,作为副主编编写《酶工程》专著一部,研究成果获吉林省科技进步一等奖和二等奖各一项。先后获得教育部优秀青年教师、国务院政府特殊津贴、教育部新世纪人才和吉林省高级专家等奖励及称号。


    1991.09-1994.06  白求恩医科大学      博士

    1986.09-1989.06  吉林大学                 硕士

    1981.09-1986.06  吉林大学                 学士


    2009.04-   上海交通大学生命科学技术学院,上海交通大学特聘教授



    2003.09-2003.12 美国National Cancer Institute, 合作研究、访问学者

    2000.01-2009.03 吉林大学分子酶学工程教育部重点实验室,教授、主任

    1998.03-2000.03 日本National Institute of Bioscience and Human-Technology,访问学者

    1995.01-1999.12 吉林大学酶工程国家重点实验室,副教授

    1994.09-1996.06 日本National Institute of Bioscience and Human-Technology,博士后研究人员

    1991.10-1994.12 吉林大学酶工程国家重点实验室,讲师

    1989.07-1991.09 吉林大学酶工程国家重点实验室,助教


    2008  中共吉林省委吉林省人民政府授予“吉林省高级专家”

    2007  吉林省第九批有突出贡献的中青年专业人才

    2006  教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划

    2005  中共吉林省委吉林省人民政府授予“吉林省优秀留学回国人员”

    2005  吉林省人民政府人才开发资金资助(一级)

    2004  享受政府特殊津贴

    2003  教育部优秀青年教师资助计划

    2003  长春市人事局“优秀留学回国人员”

    2003  吉林省科技厅“杰出青年”基金

    2001  长春市高新技术产业开发区“优秀留学人员创业带头人”


    中国生物化学与分子生物学学会 理事

    中国生物物理学会 理事中国生物化学与分子生物学学会酶学专业委员会 副主任

    中国生物化学与分子生物学学会蛋白质专业委员会 委员

    中国微生物学会酶工程专业委员会 委员

    中国生物化学与生物物理学报 编委

    J Mol Catal B: Enzym 编委




  • 1. 酶结构-功能关系
    2. 酶分子进化
    3. 合成生物学

  • 1.       Bai A, Zhao X, Jin Y, Yang G, Feng Y*. A novel thermophilic β-glucosidase from Caldicellulosiruptor bescii: Characterization and its synergistic catalysis with other cell ulases. J Mol Catal B-Enzym, 2013, 85(86):248–256.

    2.       Wang Y, Tang R, Tao J, Wang X, Zheng B, Feng Y*. Chimeric cellulase matrix for investigating intramolecular synergism between non-hydrolytic disruptive functions of carbohydrate-binding modules and catalytic hydrolysis. J Biol Chem, 2012, 287(35):29568-29578.

    3.       Zheng B, Yang W, Zhao X, Wang Y, Lou Z, Rao Z, Feng Y*.Crystal structure of hyperthermophilic endo-β-1, 4-glucanase: implications for catalytic mechanism and thermostability. J Biol Chem, 2012, 287(11): 8336-8346.

    4.       Li B, Yang G, Wu L, Feng Y*. Role of the NC-loop in catalytic activity and stability in lipase from Fervidobacterium changbaicumPLoS ONE, 2012, 7(10):e46881.

    5.       Wang Y, Li B, Han W, Yang G, Zhang Z, Feng Y*. Redesigning the active site of a carboxyl esterase from the archaeonArchaeoglobus fulgidus to improve sensitivity to organophosphorus compounds. Process Biochem, 2012, 47(12):2219–2226.

    6.       Zhang Y, An J, Ye W, Yang G, Qian ZG, Chen HF, Cui L, Feng Y*. Enhancing the promiscuous phosphotriesterase activity of a thermostable lactonase (GkaP) for the efficient degradation of organophosphate pesticides. Appl Environ Microbiol, 2012, 78(18):6647-6655.

    7.       Wang Y, Tang R, Tao J, Gao G, Wang X, Mu Y, Feng Y*. Quantitative investigation of non-hydrolytic disruptive activity on crystalline cellulose and application to recombinant swollenin. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2011, 91(5):1353-1363.

    8.       Cai J, Xie Y, Song B, Wang Y, Zhang Z, Feng Y*. Fervidobacterium changbaicum Lip1: identification, cloning, and characterization of the thermophilic lipase as a new member of bacterial lipase family V. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2011, 89(5):1463-1473.

    9.       Li Q, Li G, Ma F, Zhang Z, Zheng B, Feng Y*. Highly efficient ring-opening polymerization of ε-caprolactone catalyzed by a recombinant Escherichia coli whole-cell biocatalyst. Process Biochem, 2011, 46(2):477-481.

    10.   Li Q, Yu S, Ma F, Feng Y*. Ring-opening polymerization of ε-caprolactone catalyzed by a novel thermophilic lipase fromFervidobacterium nodosumProcess Biochem, 2011, 46:253-257.

    11.   Zhan D, Han W, Feng Y*. Experimental and computational studies indicate the mutation of Glu12 to increase the thermostability of oligomeric protease from Pyrococcus horikoshiiJ Mol Model, 2011, 17(6):1241-1249.

    12.   Liu C, Yang G, Wu L, Tian G, Zhang Z, Feng Y*. Switch of substrate specificity of hyperthermophilic acylaminoacyl peptidase by combination of protein and solvent engineering. Protein Cell, 2011, 2(6):497-506.

    13.   Yang G, Rich JR, Gilbert M, Wakarchuk WW, Feng Y, Withers SG*. Fluorescence activated cell sorting as a general ultra-high-throughput screening method for directed evolution of glycosyltransferases. J Am Chem Soc, 2010, 132(30):10570-10577.

    14.   Zheng B, Yang W, Wang Y, Lou Z, Feng Y*. Influence of the N-terminal peptide on the cocrystallization of a thermophilic endo-β-1, 4-glucanase with polysaccharide substrates. Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun, 2011, 67 (Pt 10):1218-1220.

    15.   Wang Y, Wang X, Tang R, Yu S, Zheng B, Feng Y*. A novel thermostable cellulase from Fervidobacterium nodosumJ Mol Catal B Enzym, 2010, 66(3-4):294-301.

    16.   Yu S, Yu S, Han W, Wang H, Feng Y*. A novel thermophilic lipase from Fervidobacterium nodosum Rt17-B1 representing a new subfamily of bacterial lipases. J Mol Catal B Enzym, 2010, 66(1-2):81-89.

    17.   Yang G, Bai A, Feng Y*. Molecular redesign and construction of new biocatalysts. Curr Org Chem, 2010, 14(14):1407-1423.

    18.   Yang G, Bai A, Gao L, Zhang Z, Zheng B, Feng Y*. Glu88 in the non-catalytic domain of acylpeptide hydrolase plays dual roles: Charge neutralization for enzymatic activity and formation of salt bridge for thermodynamic stability. Biochim Biophys Acta, 2009, 1794(1):94-102.

    19.  Zhang Z, Zheng B, Wang Y, Chen Y, Manco G, Feng Y*. The conserved N-terminal helix of acylpeptide hydrolase from archaeon Aeropyrum pernix K1 is important for its hyperthermophilic activity. Biochim Biophys Acta, 2008, 1784(9):1176-1183.

    20.  Yu L, Pei X, Lei T, Wang Y, Feng Y*.Genome shuffling enhanced L-lactic acid production by improving glucose tolerance ofLactobacillus rhamnosusJ Biotechnol, 2008, 134(1-2):154-159.

