
姓名: 徐俊

职称: 研究员

E-Mail: xujunn@sjtu.edu.cn

个人主页: http://lmo.sjtu.edu.cn

联系电话: 021-34207208

  • 个人简历:


    主要从事海洋天然产物生物合成机理和极端微生物适应性机理的研究,从分子生态、分子遗传和系统分类角度对红树林和深海这两类特殊海洋生态环境中的微生物资源进行挖掘和利用。讲授《微生物学》、《极端微生物》、《环境与微生物进化》等课程。主持福建省青年科技人才项目课题、973前期课题、国家863课题、中国大洋专项课题各一项,国家自然科学基金二项。迄今已发表研究论文28篇,其中SCI论文19篇、获中国专利授权一项。参加中国大洋科学考察2次,曾任第22航次第一航段首席助理。参与编写“中国大洋(国际海域) 生物及基因资源发展战略及规划”。参与“海洋微生物资源采集与国家海洋微生物资源共享平台建设”,获海洋工程科学技术奖一等奖。


    2000-2003  日本筑波大学   应用生物化学系   博士

    1994-1997  华中农业大学   微生物学系    硕士

    1990-1994  华中农业大学   微生物学系    本科


    2009-至今  上海交通大学生命科学技术学院  研究员

    20052008   国家海洋局第三海洋研究所     副研究员

    20032004   日本国立食品综合研究所       博士后

    19971999   北京生物医药研究所           助理研究员


    2012   获海洋工程科学技术奖一等奖(排名11


  • 1.极端微生物适应性机理研究



  • 1.        Yang, Y., Fu, L., Zhang, J., Hu, L., Xu, M., and Xu, J*. (2014) Characterization of the Xiamenmycin Biosynthesis Gene Cluster in Streptomyces xiamenensis 318. PLoS One 9, e99537

    2.      Meng, J., Xu, J., Qin, D., He, Y., Xiao, X., and Wang, F. (2014) Genetic and functional properties of uncultivated MCG archaea assessed by metagenome and gene expression analyses. ISME J 8, 650-659

    3.     Fu, L., Li, X., Xiao, X., and Xu, J*. (2014) Purification and characterization of a thermostable aliphatic amidase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus yayanosii CH1. Extremophiles 18, 429-440

    4.         You, Z. Y., Wang, Y. H., Zhang, Z. G., Xu, M. J., Xie, S. J., Han, T. S., Feng, L., Li, X. G., and Xu, J*. (2013) Identification of two novel anti-fibrotic benzopyran compounds produced by engineered strains derived from Streptomyces xiamenensis M1-94P that originated from deep-sea sediments. Mar Drugs 11, 4035-4049

    5.      Yang, X. W., He, Y., Xu, J., Xiao, X., and Wang, F. P. (2013) The Regulatory Role of Ferric Uptake Regulator (Fur) during Anaerobic Respiration of Shewanella piezotolerans WP3. PLoS One 8, e75588

    6.      Liu, X.-J., Xu, M.-J., Fan, S.-T., Wu, Z., Li, J., Yang, X.-M., Wang, Y.-H., Xu, J*., and Zhang, Z.-G*. (2013) Xiamenmycin Attenuates Hypertrophic Scars by Suppressing Local Inflammation and the Effects of Mechanical Stress. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 133, 1351-1360

    7.     Liu, L., Wang, F., Xu, J., and Xiao, X. (2013) Molecular diversity of Thermococcales isolated from Guaymas Basin hydrothermal vents. Acta Oceanologica Sinica 32, 1-7

    8.      Li, X. G., Tang, X. M., Xiao, J., Ma, G. H., Xu, L., Xie, S. J., Xu, M. J., Xiao, X., and Xu, J*. (2013) Harnessing the potential of halogenated natural product biosynthesis by mangrove-derived actinomycetes. Mar Drugs 11, 3875-3890

    9.      Xu, M. J., Liu, X. J., Zhao, Y. L., Liu, D., Xu, Z. H., Lang, X. M., Ao, P., Lin, W. H., Yang, S. L., Zhang, Z. G., and Xu, J*. (2012) Identification and characterization of an anti-fibrotic benzopyran compound isolated from mangrove-derived Streptomyces xiamenensis. Mar Drugs 10, 639-654

    10.    Tian, C., Jiao, X., Liu, X., Li, R., Dong, L., Liu, X., Zhang, Z., Xu, J., Xu, M., and Xie, P. (2012) First total synthesis and determination of the absolute configuration of 1-N-methyl-3-methylamino-[N-butanoicacid-3-(9-methyl-8-propen-7-one)-amide]-benzo[f][1,7]naphthyridine-2-one, a novel benzonaphthyridine alkaloid. Tetrahedron Letters 53, 4892-4895

    11.    Jian, H., Xu, J., Xiao, X., and Wang, F. (2012) Dynamic modulation of DNA replication and gene transcription in deep-sea filamentous phage SW1 in response to changes of host growth and temperature. PLoS One 7, e41578

    12.    Xiao, J., Luo, Y., Xie, S, and Xu, J*. (2011) Modestobacter marinus sp. nov., a psychrotolerant actinobacterium from deep-sea sediment, and emended description of the genus Modestobacter. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 61, 1710-1714

    13.    Xiao, J., Luo, Y., and Xu, J*. (2011) Genome sequence of Serinicoccus profundi, a novel actinomycete isolated from deep-sea sediment. J Bacteriol 193, 6413

    14.    Xiao, J., Luo, Y., Xie, S., and Xu, J*. (2011) Serinicoccus profundi sp. nov., an actinomycete isolated from deep-sea sediment, and emended description of the genus Serinicoccus. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 61, 16-19

    15.    Luo, Y., Xiao, J., Wang, Y., Xie, S., and Xu, J*. (2011) Streptomyces indicus sp. nov., an actinomycete isolated from deep-sea sediment. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 61, 2712-2716

    16.    Xu, J., Lupeng, L., Minjuan, X., Oger, P., Fengping, W., Jebbar, M., and Xiang, X. (2011) Complete genome sequence of the obligate piezophilic hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus yayanosii CH1. J Bacteriol 193, 4297-4298

    17.    Chen, Y., Wang, F., Xu, J., Mehmood, M. A., and Xiao, X. (2011) Physiological and evolutionary studies of NAP systems in Shewanella piezotolerans WP3. ISME J 5, 843-855

    18.   Li, X.-L., Xu, M.-J., Zhao, Y.-L., and Xu, J*. (2010) A Novel Benzo[f][1,7]Naphthyridine Produced by Streptomyces Albogriseolus from Mangrove Sediments. Molecules 15, 9298-9307

    19.   Xu, J*, Wang, Y., Xie, S. J., Xu, J., Xiao, J., and Ruan, J. S. (2009) Streptomyces xiamenensis sp. nov., isolated from mangrove sediment. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 59, 472-476

    20.    Xiao, J., Wang, Y., Luo, Y., Xie, S. J., Ruan, J. S., and Xu, J*. (2009) Streptomyces avicenniae sp. nov., a novel actinomycete isolated from the rhizosphere of the mangrove plant Avicennia mariana. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 59, 2624-2628

