主要完成人: 发表日期:2022-05-19 点击数:4007
报告题目:Reference-free and guild-based approach for discovering human core gut microbiome
报告人:赵立平 特聘教授
Gut microbiome is not the “-ome of all microbial genes” but the “biome of all microbes” living in human gut. As a microbial ecosystem, microbiome is a complex adaptive system in which strains, as the most basic building blocks, organize themselves into a higher-level structure called guilds. Guilds are functional units that consist of strains with diverse taxonomic backgrounds yet work together to contribute to community level emergent functions relevant to human health. Co-abundance analysis of amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) of 16S rRNA gene or high-quality draft genomes assembled from metagenomic datasets (Metagenome-assembled genomes, MAGs) can help identify key guilds whose ecological behavior correlates with host phenotypes. Different from taxon-based and gene-centric approaches, this strategy does not need prior knowledge in databases. Coupled with microbiome-targeted nutritional interventions, this approach leads to discover robustly stable guilds as core microbiome signature for human chronic diseases.
报告人:施春雷 教授
金黄色葡萄球菌作为一种重要的食源性致病菌,能够产生具有抗氧化功能的三萜型类胡萝卜素:葡萄球菌黄素(Staphyloxanthin, STX)。STX会直接影响菌体的抗氧化能力且能在人和动物体内的存活,被认为是金黄色葡萄球菌的毒力因子之一。因此。抑制STX的形成对于削弱细菌的毒力、阻断感染的发生具有重要意义。为了筛选获得高效的STX合成抑制剂,我们利用干湿法结合的策略,首先通过虚拟筛选和分子模拟,获得了多个具有潜在STX合成抑制效应的小分子化合物,并通过多种实验验证,证明丁香酚具有最强的STX合成抑制活性。通过多种表型和组学分析,初步阐明了丁香酚的抑制作用机制。今后有望通过改良丁香酚的分子结构或优化其释放方式,开发抑制活性更强的衍生物或作用效率更高的递送体系。
主持人:胡泽汗 长聘教轨副教授
时间:2022年5月19日(周四)上午 9:30-11:20
会议号: 901 310 428
会议密码: 220519
链接: https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/rYNdsvdNMCB1